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About your data
A few words in english
I don't use cookies or any tracking stuff. I do not collect any data other than the information you voluntarily provide to me to operate the host and run the games.
I do not sell or in any other way pass on the email addresses or any other data that are given to me for contact and to conduct the games.
I'm not interested which site you have visited before or which site you will visit after High Command, so I don't use any services to get these informations.
High Command is and will always be a free of charge service for all players of good will. No commercials, no affiliate links. But this also means and don't forget that or be in doubt about it:
I pay and you don't - so I decide, and you don't.
If you have any questions about your data send a mail to contact[at]high-command.de
Sorry, this I can only say in german: